Activity program during summer semester 2024

During lecture period we offer activities on Wednesday evenings. Each semester we start on the first Monday morning with a Christian worship celebration.

During the following weeks there are recreational activities, speeches and talks about different topics and spiritual activities (prayers and more).

All activites planned can be held in German and English - depending on the people showing up.

If you have some ideas or wishes just contact us, so we know what you’re interested in!

All information about the activites you can find just here below:

Taizé Prayer

  • leave daily life outside  for half an hour
  • join the meditative songs and prayers of Taizé
  • give yourself  a chance to get calm and less stressed in an cozy atmosphere

on Wednesday, April 3rd
at 7:00 pm

in the Room of Silence (T.1.32) on Bildungscampus

Movie Night

  • watch an interesting and fascinating movie together
  • talk, discuss, ...
  • snacks and drinks will be available

on Wednesday, April 17th
at 7:00 pm

in the church center Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gemeindezentrum

English Talk:

"Is God interested in what I do - Why Not?"

with Cecil Varghese

Managing Director at Eckstein Engineering Business Solutions

  • meet and get to know other students and interesting people
  • get some input and discuss the topic
  • have some snacks and drinks and a good time together

on Wednesday, April 24th
at 7 pm

in the protestant Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gemeindezentrum

meet&play -Game Night

  • perfect option to meet new people
  • bring your friends and favorite games
  • snacks and drinks will be available

on Wednesday, May 8th
at 7:00 pm

in the church center Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gemeindezentrum

meet & cook - summer menu from Thailand

  • take time to cook and chat togethert
  • enjoy a delicious night meal
  • have some drinks and meat others

on Wednesday, May 15th

at 7:00 pm

in the church center Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gemeindezentrum

--> ATTENTION: You have to register until May 13th! (Contact)

There is no fee charged, but we're happy if you can afford to spend an small amount for what you'll consume

ATTENTION: this activity is cancelled!

Nature walk and Picknick

  • indulge yourself a timout in nature
  • enjoy the fresh air, sun (hopefully) and good talks
  • have an open air dinner together

on Wednesday, May 29th

at 7:00 pm

meeting point at "Südfriedhof Sontheim" (bus stop)

--> ATTENTION: You have to register until May 27th! (Contact)

There is no fee charged, but we're happy if you can afford to spend an small amount for what you'll consume.

"meet & climb"

3 hours at Waldkletterpark Weinsberg

  • a perfect option to have an active timeout
  • meet other students and enjoy community

on Wednesday, June 12th

at 3:00 pm


we share cars from Heilbronn

--> ATTENTION: Please make sure to register until June 7th! (Contact)

Exam Blessing

  • before starting your exams have a small break from studying
  • get calm and get blessed for the exams

on Wednesday, June 26th
at 7 pm

in the Room of Silence (T.1.32) on Bildungscampus